Wednesday, April 27, 2011


untitled, oil paint, 30'x40', 1988
I made this painting in 1988.  Yeah......  I often complain of not having time to paint and yet do I paint?  What am I doing instead?  Living my life I guess.  All these things I do are important things, even the relaxing and the visiting and the driving kids around.  If I painted more, I would have to neglect one of these other very important things. And yet, without painting more, I know I am not able to get to the level I want.  I know it takes a while to get into a mental space where I can improve and I know I am not going to have that much time, so I don't start to avoid the frustration of having to stop.  Sure, I could continue to do happy little landscapes and people like happy landscapes, even I like happy landscapes, but there is more I want to do.  Yeah, I know, quit my whining and paint.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I'm Back

These are some works in progress that I started today.  It took me over 15 minutes to do the whole process of taking photos, editing and uploading.  I wish I could do that faster.  The kids are hungry and the water has been boiling on the stove for some time now to cook the noodles for spaghetti.
At least I painted SOMETHING today.