Monday, July 29, 2013

Near Hexham, UK

The landscape of northern England is so beautiful.  Rolling hills, fields edged with trees, simple buildings.  I hope to go back there someday.
Yesterday I went to a memorial service and art show of a former colleague.  I wish I had known her better, I think we would have had a lot to talk about.  ideas described at the service about spirituality and art rang true with me.  Her art was personal and varied.  Time is so short.  No time to agonize over whether or not this is the best use of my time.  It is a good use of time, and that is enough.  Sharing art and ideas is a good use of time.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


My kids both recognized this sketch as the dog from the bed and breakfast we stayed at in Edinburgh.  That made me happy.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Boy Scout camp

My son and husband are at Boy Scout camp.  I was there also for one day and night.  I enjoyed seeing what camp was like, and hanging out with my son in that setting.  When he was off doing merit badge work, I sat in a lovely spot by a pond and painted.  For a while there were some scouts on the other side of the pond working on an ecology badge.  

Later I sat by the fire pit in the campsite and painted the path to the latrine.  
Scouting is a good thing for my son, but I do feel uneasy about sending my son to a place with a name that refers to Native Americans without having anything to do with the Native community.  The same is true of the school he attends.  Should I be doing something about this?  I think many people would agree that the names should change, but probably most people are not willing to take action.  I'm not sure that I am willing to take on that fight either.   Maybe it could be part of someone's Eagle Scout project.  That Eagle Scout name could change too.  Girl Scouts call the highest level the Gold Award.  I think that is better.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Trying to attack the clutter today.  Yesterday I helped a friend with her clutter and found myself motivated to do the same at home.  I planned to post paintings from the other day, but ran out of time.  There's always tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Big Ben, Bill and David

We were gone for most of July on Holiday.  I was too tired to paint or draw most of the time.  It was a good tired.  We saw so many wonderful things.  I was glad the kids had the experience of navigating London and the British Rail system.  And I am glad we made it home safely.  These two are already off again at Boy Scout camp.  I visited the camp yesterday and painted a bit while I was there.  I plan to post those pictures tomorrow.