Sunday, June 29, 2014


Today I was driving home from my dad's house when I unexpectedly found myself spending a few extra hours in a town 50 miles from home.  I am so blessed to have friends willing to drive a long way to rescue me.  This picture is one of the ways I spent my time as I waited.  

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Oak Leaves

A full day today for whatever I decide to do is an amazing thing.  This painting is about enjoying coloring.  I was not concerned with duplicating the leaves exactly as they appear.  I was intrigued by the variations of shape and color.  For me lately, it is a victory if I simply show up at my art.  It is the same with my exercising.  I am happy when I do it, but I often go for days or sometimes even weeks when I ignore it.  When I go back to it I am happy again.  I am trying to evict the self-doubt that tells me I should be embarrassed by my feeble efforts.  Posting to this blog is how I am fighting the self-doubt. I do not say that to fish for compliments.  I am simply saying it is a little bit hard to click "publish" today.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Finishing and Starting

Today I worked a little more on the painting of Mom's tree.  It is a rainy day today with flash flood warnings.  A good day to stay home.  I brought an oak branch in from the deck and started to draw it with the paintbrush.  At least I showed up at the watercolor paper today.  I have some Girl Scout forms to deal with.  Also there are some events tomorrow and I really should be prepared.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Mom's tree

Finally painted!
This is the tree in my mom's front yard.  I have painted it before.  It is so interesting.  I'm on my way home now and hoping to avoid severe weather.
The top painting is not done yet, but it was time to go.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What I've been up to

Apparently I've been ending sentence fragments with prepositions.  And I have been knitting.  And teaching school. And I took part in a fundraiser for Friends of Island Lake in Shoreview, MN.  And spending time with friends and family. I have not been painting. There are still important friends and family that I have not spent time with yet, so I do not know when I will paint next.  I did bring my paint supplies along on this trip with my mom, brother, and son.  Perhaps I can do some painting here.  Well, not here at this moment.  We are at a mall because my brother wanted to shop.  I am sitting in a comfy chair in the hallway of the mall.  Knitting seems an appropriate waiting activity.  Pulling out paint, water, paper, etc. would be problematic and there is little here to inspire me visually.  Earlier we were sightseeing and there was much to inspire me, but that was not a time to paint either.