Back at the beginning of April, I was calculating if it was still possible to complete the 100 days by summer. It would have been close. Now it will be late June or early July when I get to day 100. Not sure what is magical about Day 100. A day to reflect, perhaps.
That bridge drawing is sitting on my easel still unpainted. Why do I fear it?
Today is a beautiful Sunday. I went to look at a friend's painting and I went for a walk in a park where I had never been before. Two strangers stopped to rest from walking their dog and we had a pleasant conversation. I did not feel the stress that usually comes from the questions about painting.
My friend's painting was part of an exhibit at the Unitarian Universalist Church. Another place I had never been before. I arrived after the service started so I could just look at the paintings without too many questions about why I was there. A few other people were also milling about. I overheard someone mention my church. It was a person from my church that I had met before, but did not know very well. She was there representing Sierra Club. We had a nice conversation about why we like being Methodist. Hopefully we did not offend anyone who might have overheard us.
While I was walking in the park I had some anxiety about the thought of getting out my paints. What if I can't find a good spot, what if there are bees or bugs or scary people, what if I can't create a successful painting? Luckily I realized this train of thought was silly.
So I decided that my painting would be something I do as a thank you to God for the walk on the woods. That removed my insecurity from the equation.