Fall Retreat, watercolor, 9x12, 2010 |
Breezy Point, watercolor, 9x12, 2011 |
I've been going through my work and deciding what to keep, what to toss, and what to show. I have a large stack of work that I like and is important to me, but too personal. Maybe I'm not ready to show that work, or maybe it is not meant to be shown. I had a teacher once who looked at one of my drawings and said something to the effect of: This is good, but it's not for public consumption. It is showing you a direction you need to go. I believe that was good advice. So I have a special place to keep those and I take them out and look at them once in awhile and they inspire me. Both of the pictures in this post have things in common with some of those pictures.
I almost just deleted that whole paragraph because how rude is that to talk about the work you are not going to show. I figure people who create art might understand. To the rest of you I appologize. If everyone made art, if our society valued creation like we value exercise, perhaps I would not need to appologize.
Next I need to do some framing and organizing.