Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wordless and Done, acrylic, 20x30, 2007?

One of the Wm. OBrien sketches, pastel, 9x12, 2006?

Big Fish?, acrylic, 36x36, 2009
The show is hung.  Now I am trying to get organized with things like labels, receipts, and I am putting more unframed pieces in plastic sleeves.  Here is some free advertising for  Great place to get clear plastic coverings of all sorts.  That saved me SO much time.

I'm trying to create a catolog of my work.  I have started this project many times and change my mind about the specifics often enough that it never gets done.  These three pieces are connected in my way of thinking about my work, but I do not think they are connected in the way a catalog would organize my work.  The first one is about the feeling of exasperation at trying to explain something that no one understands, or finish something that will never be truly finished.  The second one is about barriers and how life keeps moving forward.  The third one was my get-out-my-frustrations painting for a long time.  Eventually it started to look like rocks in a river.  As I worked with it, it started to look like fish.  Is that one shape a fish or a rock?  You tell me.

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