Sunday, February 19, 2017

Day 14 of 100

I decided it is time for some people in my paintings. I was loosing patience with the endless stream of houseplants. I am in a place where I need it to mean something. Sometimes simply playing with color and form is enough, but not now.

Yes, this is about the current political climate.

I am trying to understand people who support the 45th president of the United States. I try not to be sarcastic or judgmental or insulting. I notice that even looking at the exact same video clip, we have radically different conclusions. To me, the Feb 16 press conference showed a man obviously unfit to govern. Others saw him as confidently standing up for what's right. My jaw was on the floor (metaphorically). He used unchecked false statistics. He has no attention span. He whines. He is obsessed with the election results and getting attention. He reminds me of a spoiled child. Oops, I believe I slipped into judgmental insults. I am still working on that.

How do I talk to someone who is not living in the same reality as me? 
Those insults do not apply to people I know who support him. They are kind, intelligent, thoughtful people. I do not understand why they do not see what I see.

When photos of that dress were all over the internet, I always saw black and blue. I thought it was laughable that anyone would see white and gold. But people really did. Thinking of how divided the country is reminded me of that.

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